What is meant by conversation analysis

What is meant by conversation analysis

Conversation analysis is a scientific study of the structure and organization of human communication in everyday settings. It helps us understand how people use language to accomplish social actions, build relationships, and achieve common goals. Conversation analysis has become an important research tool in various fields, including linguistics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and communication studies.

What is Conversation Analysis?

Conversation analysis (CA) is a research method that examines the structure and organization of talk-in-interaction. It analyzes how speakers take turns, initiate, respond to, and end conversations, and how they use language to accomplish different social actions, such as requesting, complaining, complimenting, or apologizing.

CA also studies the use of repair, which refers to the ways in which speakers correct or clarify misunderstandings that may arise during a conversation.

History of Conversation Analysis

Conversation analysis emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as an approach to studying naturalistic communication. It was developed by sociologists Harvey Sacks, Emanuel Schegloff, and Gail Jefferson, who were interested in exploring how people use language to accomplish social actions in everyday settings.

Their work focused on the analysis of recorded interactions, such as telephone conversations, doctor-patient consultations, and police interrogations.

The Process of Conversation Analysis

The process of conversation analysis involves transcribing recorded conversations and analyzing them in detail. Researchers transcribe every aspect of the conversation, including pauses, overlaps, intonation, and other features of talk.

They then analyze the data to identify patterns and regularities in the structure and organization of talk, such as turn-taking and repair.

Conversation Analysis Techniques

There are several techniques used in conversation analysis to analyze the structure and organization of talk. Some of these techniques include:

1. Transcription

Transcription involves the process of converting recorded conversations into written form. Researchers transcribe every aspect of the conversation, including pauses, overlaps, intonation, and other features of talk. This allows them to analyze the data in detail and identify patterns in the structure and organization of talk.

2. Sequential Analysis

Sequential analysis is a technique used in conversation analysis to examine the sequential order of talk in interaction. It involves identifying patterns of interaction that occur repeatedly and examining how participants respond to these patterns.

3. Membership Categorization Analysis

Membership categorization analysis is a technique used in conversation analysis to examine how speakers categorize themselves and others in a conversation. It involves examining how speakers use language to create and reinforce social categories, such as gender, race, and social status.

Applications of Conversation Analysis

Conversation analysis has found applications in various fields. Some of these applications are:

1. Medical Settings

Conversation analysis has been used to study doctor-patient interactions and improve communication in medical settings. It has helped identify communication problems that can lead to medical errors and ways to improve patient outcomes.

2. Education

Conversation analysis has been used to study classroom interactions and improve teaching practices. It has helped identify effective ways of teacher-student interaction that lead to better student learning outcomes.

3. Business

Conversation analysis has been used to study workplace interactions and improve communication in business settings. It has helped identify communication problems that can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts and ways to improve organizational performance.

4. Politics

Conversation analysis has been used to study political discourse and improve political communication. It has helped identify ways in which politicians use language to achieve different social actions and influence public opinion.

Advantages of Conversation Analysis

There are several advantages of using conversation analysis as a research method. Some of these advantages are:

  • It provides a detailed and systematic analysis of the structure and organization of talk-in-interaction.
  • It allows researchers to study naturally occurring conversations in real-life settings.
  • It provides insights into how people use language to accomplish social actions and build relationships.
  • It has applications in various fields and can help improve communication and outcomes in different settings.

Limitations of Conversation Analysis

There are also limitations to using conversation analysis as a research method. Some of these limitations are:

  • It is time-consuming and requires a lot of data analysis.
  • It may not be suitable for studying conversations that are not recorded.
  • It may not be suitable for studying conversations in languages that are not well understood by the researcher.
  • It may not be suitable for studying conversations in online settings where non-verbal cues are absent.

Conversation analysis is a research method that has proven useful in various fields. It provides insights into how people use language to accomplish social actions, build relationships, and achieve common goals. Conversation analysis has applications in fields such as medicine, education, business, and politics, and can help improve communication and outcomes in different settings.


1.   What is the difference between conversation analysis and discourse analysis?

Discourse analysis is a broader field that studies language use in social contexts, including written and spoken language. Conversation analysis focuses specifically on spoken language in naturalistic settings.

2.   Can conversation analysis be used to study non-English languages?

Yes, conversation analysis can be used to study conversations in any language. However, it may be challenging to analyze conversations in languages that the researcher does not understand.

3.   How can conversation analysis be used to improve communication in business settings?

Conversation analysis can be used to identify communication problems in business settings and suggest ways to improve organizational performance. For example, it can help identify patterns of interaction that lead to misunderstandings or conflicts and suggest ways to improve communication practices.

4.   What is repair in conversation analysis?

Repair refers to the ways in which speakers correct or clarify misunderstandings that may arise during a conversation. It is an important aspect of conversation analysis, as it helps maintain coherence and understanding in talk-in-interaction.

5.   What are some challenges in using conversation analysis as a research method?

Some challenges in using conversation analysis as a research method include the time-consuming nature of data analysis, the need for large amounts of data, and the difficulty in analyzing conversations that are not recorded.

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